The picture shows that an adult hand holding a gold coin is going to drop it into a piggybank, on which two academic caps are represented. The picture is simple and its meaning is clear: young adults should manage to finance themselves for their higher education rather than rely on their families for support. The market economy and competitive society prompt most young people to drive themselves vigorously studying for higher academic degrees, and some of them are seeking opportunities to study abroad. However, great expense hinders them from their goals. In overcoming the financial obstacle, self-reliance is most advisable while dependence on parents or relatives is shameful. As an adult student, I am planning to pursuer graduate studies by work-study strategy. First, I shall go through my first two-year course by both winning scholarships with excellent academic achievements and taking part-time jobs. Then, I’ll interrupt my regular course to work for a certain organization or company for one or two years. This I shall do for the double purpose of saving enough money for further education and getting some knowledge of social conditions, which may help to turn my book learning into something practical. When I resume my graduate studies, I shall finish my program with a both creative and practical thesis.
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